Hey everyone! We Have some News!
So we have 2 big pieces of information that I haven't actually announced here. The first is that Studio Squid Ink has an official website! visit us at studiosquidink.net! We'll be posting art to our galleries there, we've got an RSS feed active for the blog posts (which will come far more frequently there than they do here on dA) if your into that. We also have all of our commission information updated and posted on the site here! Check it out!
The second news, is that we are making a Visual Novel! It's only in the early development stages at this point, but it is coming along nicely so far. We have been working on the assets (i.e. character models) in streams roughly once a week. Streams times will be posted on the calendar at the bottom of studiosquidink.net as often as we can plan for them. These will be in addition to the streams Alanna and I end up doing just to work on non-game related work. For streams, you can find us on picarto.tv and I usually post a stream announcement here on dA as well. The game may be in early development, but you can come follow its progress as we work on it live!
That does it for new updates for the time being!
Sweet Wordpress. Good luck with the visual novel!
Thanks! Glad you like it. I'm no web designer, so Wordpress is what I have lol. I'll keep everyone up to date about the VN!